
I have known Benny and Shell for the 7 years that I have been training at the gym, during that time they have proven themselves to be extremely knowledgeable in all aspects of training and fitness, whether it be pre- or post-natal, injury rehab, weight loss or general strength training.

Aside from their knowledge of the fitness game they are people of sincere integrity, they complement each other perfectly. You will get the tough love you need to motivate from Benny and an always empathetic and practical ear from Shell. All the trainers at Resolute share a love of health and fitness, they will happily impart their expertise to help you achieve.

The trainers have significantly contributed to helping me change my body and life. I came to training later than most and have never felt at a disadvantage. I honestly believe if I hadn’t encountered them my fitness journey would’ve been a short one. I am stronger, fitter, and healthier than I have ever been, training 5 mornings a week.

The atmosphere is one of inclusion be you 16 or 60. The classes have the right amount of instruction and independence; the trainers explain the what and the why very clearly and can modify an exercise if a limitation exists. The gym is always spotless, the crew at any class time will not only be welcoming and friendly but hugely supportive.