Your health hand well-being are important. The highly qualified personal trainers at Resolute Resistance are specifically trained in resistance training and offer small group fitness classes at our gym in Mornington. Stay fit, strong and confident with our group fitness classes.

Teagan Before and After Gym Mornington

“The guidance, accountability and confidence Shell, at Resolute Resistance, instilled in me has only made me stronger and confident.”

– Teagan

Brodie before and after Gym Mornington

“I have changed a lot of my habits, the way I eat and the way I feel about myself is a lot more positive.”

– Brodie

Telle-before-after Gym Mornington

“Shell has given me the tools and confidence to maintain this lifestyle change.”

– Chantelle

Generic Before and After Gym Mornington

“The fitness trainers have significantly contributed to helping me change my body and life. I came to training later than most and have never felt at a disadvantage.”

– Kel