Resolute Resistance

Experience Our Difference

Resistance Training Focused
Personalised Coaching to Move Safely and Efficiently
Achieve Results
That Last
Holistic Approach to Fitness, Lifestyle & Overall Health

Long Term Results at Our Mornington Based Gym, Through a Sustainable and Holistic Approach

Resolute Resistance Mornington Gym

“The guidance, accountability and confidence Shell, at Resolute Resistance, instilled in me has made me stronger and more confident.”

— Teagan

Supportive Community

Resolute Resistance has a gym community in Mornington like no other. Reach your training goals with new workouts every session and training blocks designed to keep you getting results. Our goal is to empower you to be healthier, happier, fitter and stronger.

Gym Mornington

More than a Workout

Our gym memberships are capped, so your experience will always be personalised to your needs, and our Resolute Resistance coaches can focus on each individual, keeping everyone on track to reach their goals.
Sign up today →

Resolute Resistance Mornington Gym

“I have changed a lot of my habits, the way I eat and the way I feel about myself is a lot more positive.”


Resolute Resistance is more than just another gym in Mornington, it is a group fitness training facility with a focus on resistance training and an emphasis on long term, sustainable results.

Resolute Resistance Mornington Gym

“Shell has given me the tools and confidence to maintain this lifestyle change.”

— Chantelle

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